There is a fight between what is our human tendency and the struggle to embody 'heavenly' attributes.
This idea of constant positivity and the idea of 'fearlessness' is one of them.
Because from what I see, we are always being pushed to one extreme or the other.
These things leave a person feeling like a failure when they cannot escape 'negative' emotions,
'why am I fighting my own thoughts'
'why am I thinking this way'
'why do I always breed negative thoughts, even though I'm trying to be positive'
'why do I self doubt'
Built up frustration, does the reverse. Its ends up feeding exactly the energy you tried to avoid. What you feed- grows.
Peace isn't running from commotion, rather understanding that with or without troubles, your life is not completely defined by the noise you'd rather not hear.
-Then, the game begins, tricking ourselves into believing that one of these days. We will wake up on a summer day to a glittering sunrise. A bowl of fruit on the table near our bedside, the smell of fresh pine and a scenic view for a back garden. Nothing will bother us, we will manifest each and every dream. One day, everything will be perfectly okay.
We will only really know positivity....
And it is this hope of a Utopian-like future that leaves us living in the constant day-dream of all the things that are better than right now.
The present moment dies.
The idea that we should only know the light without having met darkness is ridiculous.
When we realise that we are okay, that there is nothing wrong with us, when we allow ourselves to feel whatever it is we are feeling. For whatever reason.
The fight calms.
When we accept that we can never really only be positive, that to be human means to be painted in every tone. And that every tone serves it's purpose.
We save the energy we would spend being angry at ourselves for being less than we imagine.
And invest that energy into creating the thoughts that dwell in our imagination.
There is a peace in accepting life will always be this way.
It creates to destroy.
destroys to create.
You and I, will inevitably both mimic this, because we are the very universe we observe.
So God created mankind in his own image. Genesis 1:27
In a stream of thought I wrote:
'Life exists within two planes.
What we want to be and fear of who we are.
Living exists within not forcing ourselves to live under the umbrella of 'always positive'. Rather accepting we are fearful.
Living exists within not forcing ourselves to live under the umbrella of 'always positive'. Rather accepting we are fearful.
And doing it anyway.
In the centre.
In the centre.
From extreme to extreme.
We are no in between it seems.
Someone is either praised as fearless.
We are no in between it seems.
Someone is either praised as fearless.
Or laughed at as fearful'.
'Emotions are never fully overcome.
Because emotions never really die.
They only fail to reside within particular situations -when you understand why you felt that way.
They only fail to reside within particular situations -when you understand why you felt that way.
And go ahead anyway.
You overcome a situation.
You never fully overcome fear itself.
You overcome a situation.
You never fully overcome fear itself.
Us humans are wrapped in all these feelings.
Our brains are laced and ribboned with them.
So many colours.
We are made of them all.
to throw away a shade.
Means you lose another.
Our brains are laced and ribboned with them.
So many colours.
We are made of them all.
to throw away a shade.
Means you lose another.
'To live with the taste of fear on your tongue'.
Somewhere in the centre
Somewhere in the centre
Don't lie to yourself.
You are scared out of your mind.
And this is okay.
And this is okay.
Because if you have never been afraid.
Then you do not know what it means to be brave'.